ons. 06. sep.
|Cinemateket Trondheim
Brazil (1985)
Terry Gilliam’s Kafkaesque masterpiece – a dark, bizarre, and comedic film loosely inspired by George Orwell’s 1984
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06. sep. 2023, 18:00 – 20:30
Cinemateket Trondheim, Kjøpmannsgata 48, 7011 Trondheim, Norge
Om arrangementet
Brazilis Terry Gilliam’s Kafkaesque masterpiece – a dark, bizarre, and comedic film loosely inspired by George Orwell’s 1984, that still retains a unique identity through Gilliam’s wonderfully idiosyncratic creative voice.
In a dystopian totalitarian future, society is buried in a nightmarish bureaucracy. Sam Lowry, played by the always wonderful Jonathan Pryce, is a low-level government employee with recurring dreams of escape, heroism, and adventure. When a typo leads to the arrest and death of an innocent man, Lowry is accidentally roped into a chaotic journey of eco-terrorism, bizarre promotions, a prescient romance, and government persecution. Will his life return to normal, and will he want it to?
Brazil is full of visual splendor, with fantastically detailed set pieces that bring to life the film’s dystopian future in much the same was as Gilliam did in 12 Monkeysand as well as Ridley Scott did in Blade Runner. Much of the humor is visual as well, and physical, bordering on slapstick, that fits so well with the absurdist tone of the film. Upper-class women succumb to their vanity in darkly comedic ways, the bureaucracy buckles under its own weight, and the only hope for any semblance of freedom is found in the wanton and gleeful destruction of the status quo. As Terry Gilliam’s best film, Brazil deserves to be seen on the big screen, and we hope you’ll join us.
2t23m Engelsk tale, norsk tekst
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