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Trondheim Filmklubb


Er du behendig i tungemål? Vi har applisert synonymordboka, og forvansket enhærskare filmtitler. Klarer du å tyde titlene bak synonymene?

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  1. Violently End the Life of William

  2. Deflagrate Upon Deciphering

  3. The Emerald Unit of Distance

  4. The Divine Has Got to Be Insane

  5. Filthy Movement

  6. One Silent Area

  7. Unbearable Barbarity

  8. Solitary: An Astronomical Object Conflicts Tale

  9. A Dozen Apoplectic Dudes

  10. Culinarian

  11. Succumb Harshly

  12. The Shadowy Medieval Soldier Stands Up

  13. Singularly Airborne Above a Cuculidae’s Home

  14. The Spot Past the Trees

  15. A National Antisocial Personality Disorder

  16. Bodily Plasma Is Going to Appear

  17. End of the World at This Moment

  18. One Scrutinizer Dimly

  19. Pars Pro Toto, Empire State

  20. Those Who Have Left

  21. Being in the Frame of Mind for Endearment

  22. Great Determination Pursuing

  23. Arrive and Watch

  24. Crack Ursidae


  1. Violently End the Life of William Svar: Kill Bill

  2. Deflagrate Upon Deciphering Svar: Burn After Reading

  3. The Emerald Unit of Distance Svar: The Green Mile

  4. The Divine Has Got to Be Insane Svar: The Gods Must Be Crazy

  5. Filthy Movement Svar: Dirty Dancing

  6. One Silent Area Svar: A Quiet Place

  7. Unbearable Barbarity Svar: Intolerable Cruelty

  8. Solitary: An Astronomical Object Conflicts Tale Svar: Solo: A Star Wars Story

  9. A Dozen Apoplectic Dudes Svar: 12 Angry Men

  10. Culinarian Svar: Chef

  11. Succumb Harshly Svar: Die Hard

  12. The Shadowy Medieval Soldier Stands Up Svar: The Dark Knight Rises

  13. Singularly Airborne Above a Cuculidae’s Home Svar: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

  14. The Spot Past the Trees Svar: The Place Beyond the Pines

  15. A National Antisocial Personality Disorder Svar: American Psycho

  16. Bodily Plasma Is Going to Appear Svar: There Will Be Blood

  17. End of the World at This Moment Svar: Apocalypse Now!

  18. One Scrutinizer Dimly Svar: A Scanner Darkly

  19. Pars Pro Toto, Empire State Svar: Synechdoche, New York

  20. Those Who Have Left Svar: The Departed

  21. Being in the Frame of Mind for Endearment Svar: In the Mood for Love

  22. Great Determination Pursuing Svar: Good Will Hunting

  23. Arrive and Watch Svar: Come and See

  24. Crack Ursidae Svar: Cocaine Bear

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